DAAPWorks 2010

•June 17, 2010 • Leave a Comment

The sheer magnitude of talent at this year’s DAAPWorks 2010 was absolutely astounding.

After checking out Jenny’s work, we roamed the different floors oooing, ahhhing and trying to pull our mouths off the ground.

Such handiwork and brain power makes someone like me, who can’t draw a straight line even with the aid of a ruler, feel like donkey crap in the talent department. But I guess that’s just how God works, huh? He blesses some with the ability to design things outta clay, wood and computer graphic programs, while He blesses others with the ability to write, tinker with computers, take photographs, paint, take care of the sick, run a marathon, perform heart surgery, etc., etc., etc.

If you didn’t get a chance to see the exhibit in person last week, then you should just punch yourself in the face.

In the meantime, you can also see some select works in the online gallery.

Trust me when I say that neither those pics, or my pics below, don’t do the talent any justice, but nonetheless…enjoy [some of] what you missed…

So there is a mystery brewing at the Fashion library at DAAP.

It’s tradition that students bring back snow globes from far off lands to be displayed on the tops of the bookshelves.

The mystery lies within certain “snow globes.” The last eight pictured globes, appear to be homemade versions. They look like they’re made outta salsa jars. No one at the library could tell us who the mastermind behind these morbid, glassed pieces of art was.

So I beg you, dear readers, if you have any idea who is responsible for these snow globes…please let me know!

I’ve been tossing and turning at night trying to figure out who would be so sick and twisted to dream up these bloody, gory scenes suspended in unknown, clear liquid. I mean seriously? Whoever this person is definitely has an obsession with national geographic type scenes of animals fulfilling the circle of life. It’s bizzaro land captured in glass.

Please help me out…so that I can finally get a good night’s sleep.

American & Indian Go Camping: Losing My Virginity

•June 16, 2010 • 5 Comments

I can’t believe that I’ve lived [almost] 31 years of life here on this earth and I’ve never been camping before.

What’s wrong with me?

Thought I was a self-proclaimed nature lover?

So how come I’ve never been roughing it in the outdoors like Daniel Boone did?

What gives?!

I thought long and hard about it and I concluded that I can blame my non-Boone experience all on two things: 1. my parents and 2. on India.

You see, Indians don’t go camping, and my Indian parents never took me or the sis camping.

It’s not part of our collective culture.

We’d rather be stuffing our faces and bellies with the delicious foods that come outta of our kitchens…and getting married.

And since I’m such a rebellious, psycho Indian chic, I intend on breaking all cultural taboos/barriers/stereotypes.

That’s just how I roll.

So, on Friday, I lost my camping virginity at Stonelick State Park.

And the boo helped me lose it.

Oh, and so did a 100 other Vineyard campers.

What can I say? My man sure knows how to pitch a tent! 🙂

Being the over-ambitious foodie that I am, I was determined to fire up the grill our first night and cook dinner on our lil portable grill. It wasn’t anything fancy, just veggie burgers and fixins, which included baked beans, potato salad and all the mandatory burger condiments. You know the mark of a really great veggie burger? When Adam actually eats an entire one…and actually likes it. Kudos to you Morning Star and your black bean burgers! Kudos to you.

After filling our bellies, it was onto dessert and when you are camping, dessert=smores.

We both aren’t really smores fans, but since we [translation, me] were into carrying out every single camping cliche, we decided to build our own fire and roast marshmallows. We definitely wouldn’t win any scout badges for fire building, since we couldn’t keep our initial fire burning, but thanks to our campsite neighbor, Roger, we ended our night with sticky, sweet, slightly burnt, marshmallow goodness…and some smores!

Our first night in our tent palace was pretty sweet, though sometime in the wee morning hours, I awoke to a scratching sound that I swore was someone trying to come into our tent. As our noses told us, it wasn’t a serial killer trying to hack us to death, but instead, a skunk that was trying to get into the trash bag hanging outside of our tent’s front flap. Pissed that his/her efforts of scoring some yummy human campsite food trash had been thwarted, he/she sprayed our tent in frustration! Lemme tell ya, there’s nothing like trying to fall back asleep at 3 a.m. inside a tent, as you try not to suffocate from breathing skunk perfume in/and breathing only through your mouth. Fun times!

We had all intention of having a fun weekend roughing it, but exactly at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning, the heavens opened up and the Noah-like rains started.

We thought that we’d be able to stick the rain out, but it didn’t stop coming down (literally rained for hours) and our tent’s roof started caving under all the fast accumulating water and started leaking and flooding our comfy, dry palace.

And while I felt like a wussy for packing up and leaving early, I wasn’t going to chance staying out in the inclement weather, especially after hearing about the Arkansas campsite tragedy.

And even though I was pissed/disappointed that I would’t be able to execute my campsite breakfast extravaganza for Adam (scrambled eggs, toast, coffee and all!), I was grateful that we survived the night/morning and we were able to get out safely and uneventfully.

So the real question is, will this Indian go camping again?


But next time, it’ll be during a weekend that Mother Nature decides to play nice.


•June 13, 2010 • Leave a Comment

*From Post Secrets: Sunday Secrets, 6/13/2010