#LiveParentTweet Goes Live!

•June 29, 2010 • 5 Comments

For those of you who weren’t living under a rock…and are my friends on Twiiter or Facebook, you might have caught wind that my parents were in town from June 15-23.

Now keep in mind that this isn’t the first time my parents have come to visit the sis and I (they come up every few months from the Caribbean to visit with us), however, what made this visit significantly different…and memorable…from their other visits was my decision to start tweeting what my folks said in what has now “famously” (at least amongst my social network) come to be known as the “#LiveParentTweet.”

I started to do #LivePhoneTweet whenever I talked to the folks on the phone. (There was a series of tweets of my mom and her “army” talk that had everyone in stitches.)

So when the folks were with us this time around, I figured it would be fitting to just carry on the #LiveTweet concept…and thus #LiveParentTweet was born.

I honestly didn’t expect the response that I got from my friends.

I mean, I know my parents say the most ridiculous things, but I honestly thought that their dry sense of Indian humor & syntax would be lost on others and really just was inside family joke material.

So you can imagine my surprise when everyone thought otherwise…

It was heather513‘s tweet that got me thinking that hey!…maybe I do have something here with these tweets.

But it was really udandi who privately messaged me urging me to compile all my tweets and create a blog/twitter account.

So dear Andi, ask, and you shall receive…

The official blog is now live…

And so is the official twitter account…

Thanks Andi, for giving me the inspiration/encouragement to start this lil “project.”

Right now, both sites are a rehash of all the tweets from my parents’ last visit, but Mandi & I promise to post authentically “live” tweets when we talk to our parents. We just wanted to collect all those old precious gems of tweets floating in the Internet abyss into two convenient places for your reading pleasure.

Who knows?

Maybe this will be the beginning of something big, or if nothing else, just something silly to keep Mandi & I entertained, as welll as our friends.

Hope you all continue to follow my parents’ hilarity via the blog & twitter account.

Thanks for finding them funny.

They appreciate it.

No Reservations: An Evening with Anthony Bourdain

•June 28, 2010 • 3 Comments

So why would a former vegan/current vegetarian voluntarily agree to go see Anthony Bourdain (who’s notorious for bashing veg heads) when he came to Cincy last night?

Well, 1. It’s Anthony Bourdain people.

And 2. I needed to serve as escort/bodyguard for the sis and make sure she didn’t go all crazy and try to run up on stage and bear tackle the guy.

Seemed like the entire foodie/fan contingent was at the Aronoff to see Bourdain “talk shit” in a surprisingly funny stand-up comedy/anecdotal routine. Just like he is on his shows, Bourdain kept the crowd entertained, engaged and LOLing throughout his two hours on stage. To get a rehash of exactly what he said, check out wine me, dine me’s take on the night (nice rehash Julie!)

We kept pinching ourselves at our incredible seats! We literally could reach out, while seated, and touch the stage. It was pretty effing cool.

We also got a chance to meet Bourdain after the talk.

Somehow, we managed to be among the first five to meet him/get our books signed, which was a blessing, since the line for the book signing ended up wrapping all the way from the first floor up to the second floor, and Bourdain ended up signing for almost two hours.

I tried to get Bourdain to come to the Righteous Room with us after to get a drink and meet other local foodies/fans, but the exhausted look he gave me (and the huge line forming ahead) told me that this would probably be the last time I would see him off the screen and in person.

We also talked about his visit to India and we offered to be his official tour guides/cordially invited him to explore Nevis, our home in the Caribbean. He said that he had never been. Here’s hoping he’ll [someday] take up us on our offer.

All, in all, it was worth the money to see Bourdain.

If you missed him and still wanna catch him live & raw in the flesh, check out his remaining tour dates.

Happy [Belated] Father’s Day, Dad

•June 21, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Since we were outta town during the weekend for the #BrownFamVacay in Erie, PA., I didn’t get a chance to post a tribute to my Dad.

We did gifts/card/pigging out in person with him in Erie, but I still wanted to blog about him and his overall awesomeness.

So without much further ado…

When I tell people that my dad is a P-I-M-P, I do not lie.

See Exhibits A…B…C…D…E…

This is what the card the sis and I got Dad said. Pretty much perfectly describes how we feel about our Dad…

“So grateful for a dad like you in times like these.

You work so hard to provide for us.

You do your best to keep us comfortable.

You sacrifice for our futures.

You love and support us no matter what.

We’re a better family because of you.

Happy Father’s Day.”

A Father’s Blessing

“A righteous man
who walks in his integrity –
How blessed are his sons
after him.”

Proverbs 20:7